See how top brands achieved results and transformed their performance with CRWizard
Conversion rate has increased by 35% at price comparison site Akakçe and ROAS has doubled at Google shopping in 6 months.
By optimizing the content of product data, categorizing the products, and adding some safety rules, Jack Jones increased their ROAS by 25%, and increased CR by 16%
The ROAS of remarketing channels has increased by 100% in two months with Google Analytics segmentation.
By fixing errors in the feed, and excluding products automatically that are wasting budget, IKEA decreased their CPC by 23% in three months.
Achieving Exceptional Results with Smarter Feed Management: Discover how D’S Damat and Damat Tween boosted their ROAS by 40% and CTR by 50% through advanced automation.
Skechers doubled conversion rate by increasing feed quality and segmenting products according to variant availability.
Migros Sanal Market increased its ROAS by 20% by segmenting products according to Google Analytics data, availability rate and product categories with CRwizard and SEM collaboration.
CRWizard drives e-commerce growth with smart feeds and dynamic visuals for maximum ROI.