Distribute your products to price comparison websites

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Segah Aksoy
February 11, 2025

Price Comparison websites allow customers to search and compare products and their prices from different retailers. Also the links provided by these websites lead the customers directly or indirectly to product offers which create a sort of a marketplace that increases brand’s visibility from the marketers’ perspective. It is one of the best ways to increase your sales by using price comparison websites, especially if you have the best price and extra features like free shipping for a product. So, let’s dig into price comparison websites a little bit more.

Advantages of price comparison websites for marketers

  • Visibility: Since these websites are well known and have a high traffic volume, they enable your website to be known to the customers who are generally not in your target group. The leading links will increase your website’s traffic, essentially your visibility and visitors will increase.
  • Tracking Competitors: Most retailers are using these websites and offering various advantages. That’s why it is a great tool to track your competitors and rearrange your discounts or campaigns according to them to be better.
  • Reaching ready-to-buy customers: The customers who are checking price comparison websites are planning to buy the product they are searching for. That’s why they are in the late steps in the sales funnel. These customers are more likely to buy which increases the conversion rate and creates more efficient traffic.

What should you pay attention to when using a price comparison website?

  • Competition: Since you are not the only one who is using comparison websites, you need to follow your competitors and be flexible with your campaigns and offers.
  • Security: It is really important to use a website that you trust and be a website to be trusted. So be sure that the price comparison website you use is reliable and you should have a website that considers data security for customers all the time.
  • Credibility: As you know, customers use price comparison websites to find the most suitable offer. If your offers do not match your website, it will decrease your credibility from the perspective of customers.
  • Information: It is important to provide all necessary information to customers to help them make decisions easily. To make it happen, add details like color, size, warranty, brand, etc. So, if you have free shipping or an extra discount in the basket, you need to show these details on the price comparison websites.
  • Differential: While providing all the necessary information, you also need to be different from that crowd since your competitors are also using these websites. To be different, you can offer some advantages like gifts, coupons or free shipping, etc.

To sum up, it is good to be on price comparison websites if your products and services have better pricing or different advantages that you can offer to your customers. It is important to consider because you are also paying some fees to these websites and you need to be in control all the time since your competitors are also checking you and your offerings. Unlike Google, you should be able to change your prices or offering immediately to compete with others.